DiscoverDopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug AddictionDopey 481: My Brother Died from a Fentanyl Overdose. The Todd Shot Part 4. Weed, PCP, "I'm a f^cking waste of time, a lost cause. Nothing has changed. I can't stand being inside my head any longer."
Dopey 481: My Brother Died from a Fentanyl Overdose. The Todd Shot Part 4. Weed, PCP, "I'm a f^cking waste of time, a lost cause. Nothing has changed. I can't stand being inside my head any longer."

Dopey 481: My Brother Died from a Fentanyl Overdose. The Todd Shot Part 4. Weed, PCP, "I'm a f^cking waste of time, a lost cause. Nothing has changed. I can't stand being inside my head any longer."

Update: 2024-06-21


This week on Dopey! This week is 6 years since we lost our dear friend and Dopey Legend, Todd. We are rejoined by Todd's sister Aly who tells us what it is like living with the loss of her brother. The nature of family years after a tragedy and tells the story of what we know actually happened to Todd. Then we play a classic episode with me, Chris and Todd. With some of the craziest Dopey stories in the history of the show - plus emails, voicemails and more on the brand new episode of that good old Dopey show!  


This episode of Dopey is a tribute to Todd, who passed away six years ago. David and Todd's sister, Allie, discuss Todd's notes, his struggles with addiction, and the impact of his death on their family. They reflect on Todd's moments of sobriety, his love for celebration, and the denial that surrounded his addiction. The conversation also touches on the grief experienced by David's parents and the absence of Todd's presence in family gatherings. The episode concludes with a discussion about the lack of a funeral or memorial for Todd and the compartmentalization of his addiction. In this part of the conversation, David Manheim and Todd's sister, Allie, discuss Todd's struggles with addiction and the impact it had on his life and their family. They reflect on Todd's participation in the Dopey podcast and the humor he brought to the show. Allie shares her concerns about the genetic factor of addiction and how it affects her own children. They also discuss the lack of a funeral for Todd and the reasons behind it. The conversation ends with a reflection on Todd's life and the impact he had on others. In this final part of the conversation, David and Todd discuss Todd's struggles with addiction and their shared experiences. They reflect on their past drug use and the challenges they faced. They also make plans for Todd's recovery and discuss the importance of taking small steps towards sobriety. The episode ends with a tribute to Chris and Todd, as well as a reminder to stay strong and support each other in the Dopey Nation.
KeywordsDopey, tribute, Todd, addiction, sobriety, celebration, denial, grief, family, funeral, memorial, compartmentalization, addiction, struggles, family, Dopey podcast, genetic factor, funeral, reflection, addiction, struggles, drug use, recovery, sobriety, support
  • Todd's notes revealed his struggles with addiction, including drug debts and moments of despair

  • The family experienced denial and shame surrounding Todd's addiction

  • The absence of Todd's presence in family gatherings is deeply felt

  • The lack of a funeral or memorial for Todd reflects the family's compartmentalization of his addiction

  • Grief is a lifelong process and time does not necessarily make it easier Todd's addiction had a significant impact on his life and his family

  • The Dopey podcast provided a platform for Todd to share his experiences and humor

  • The genetic factor of addiction is a concern for Todd's family

  • The lack of a funeral for Todd raises questions about the family's response to his death

  • Todd's life and humor continue to be remembered and appreciated Addiction can be a lifelong struggle, and denial can be a major obstacle to recovery.

  • Taking small steps towards sobriety and building positive habits can make a difference.

  • Support from friends and loved ones is crucial in the recovery process.

  • Reflecting on past experiences and sharing stories can help in the healing process.

  • Remembering and honoring those who have lost their lives to addiction is important.

  • The Lifelong Process of Grief

  • The Impact of Todd's Addiction on the Family The Absence of a Funeral for Todd

  • Remembering Todd's Life and Humor Reflecting on Past Experiences

  • Honoring Those Lost to Addiction

Sound Bites
  • "I'm a fucking waste of time, a lost cause. Nothing has changed. I can't stand being inside my head any longer."

  • "He always had this secret life that he didn't want anyone knowing about."

  • "I've never heard anyone scream like the way you screamed."

  • "His life was miserable. It couldn't get better."

  • "The whole nature of the show was a huge chunk of the reason the show happened in the slightest."

  • "Todd would tell people he liked the show."

  • "So to me, he gave like..."

  • "Not to mention that Todd has this, the thing that's kept Todd using more than anything is this incredible denial sense, like that it's not happening."

  • "Whenever I did it, I was just like, I can't believe, you know, I was like full on, you know, when I, and I was like, you were like, I don't think I'm going to use tonight. I was like, we're using that's it. You know what I mean? Like he would like, be like, I don't think I'm going to use, I don't think I'm going to use. And then like at two in the morning, he just like surreptitiously pick up the phone. He would never say we're getting it tonight. He would just wind up with the fucking dough, coke, you know, for me, I would be like, it's it. I'm on, I'm not getting off. That's it. Yeah. You know, whereas."

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Dopey 481: My Brother Died from a Fentanyl Overdose. The Todd Shot Part 4. Weed, PCP, "I'm a f^cking waste of time, a lost cause. Nothing has changed. I can't stand being inside my head any longer."

Dopey 481: My Brother Died from a Fentanyl Overdose. The Todd Shot Part 4. Weed, PCP, "I'm a f^cking waste of time, a lost cause. Nothing has changed. I can't stand being inside my head any longer."

Dave & Chris